Hope you all had a good weekend. Lots of snow up here in Suffolk. Hope everybody gets some valuable snowman time.
Just a quick update on some of the planning. Phillip posted the themes that we have finalised on:
- Creation
- Love
- Joy
- Despair
- Destruction
- Farewell
We have been running the blog for text submissions last week and we will continue to run this week - the deadline for text submissions is this coming Thursday 5th (there are a bunch of presentations and talks planned at ditto@digit). The final selection will be Friday 6th. This gives us time to work through the 'briefs' which the artists will then be working off.
Thank you so much to all who have contributed so far - if you haven't please get your thinking hats on and get blogging over the next couple of days. You can put your submissions here, on the dittotv Facebook wall or email me at mike@ditto.tv
Wrap up warm!
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